Want to Get Lit with Linda in person? Here is the schedule of live appearances:

May 16, 2025: SpokenWeb Re-Sounding Poetries Conference (Kelowna, British Columbia),
Podcasting Workshop with Katherine McLeod

April 27, 2025: Quebec Imagination Writers’ Festival (Quebec City), Live Episode

September 28, 2024: Word on the Street Literary Festival (Toronto),
Linda interviews Catherine Hernandez, Amanda Peters, and M.G. Vassanji

April 27, 2024: Blue Metropolis Literary Festival (Montreal), “Writing/Righting the World”:
Linda interviews Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashi) and Andrew Stobo Sniderman

Aprril 26, 2024: Blue Metropolis Literary Festival (Montreal), “Bold and Creative” Panel,
with Linda Morra, Tawhida Tanya Evanson, Curtis McRae, and hosted by Rachel McCrum

April 6, 2024: Podcasting Workshop, Quebec Writers’ Federation Workshop, with Marco Timpano

November 3, 2023: Read Quebec Book Fair (Montreal), Live Podcast Episode, with Catherine Hernandez and Eva Crocker

April 26, 2023: Eden Mills Literary Festival (Guelph), Live Interview with Shani Mootoo